Engineering an empire Engineering an empire

DVD  [ Browse Items ]
BBC, United States 
3 disc set 
Greek - Civilization. Alexander the Great - Civilization. South America - Civilization. China - Civilization. Russia - Civilization. British Civilization. Persian Civilization. South American - Civilization.  
Series Name
Engineering an empire initiates its architectural investigation with mighty Greece, the Empire that gave rise to Western civilization and produced some of antiquity's greatest treasures. Next, discover how Alexander saved the Greek Empire from its period of civil unrest, then voyage to Central America to unlock the mysterious and magical world of ancient Aztecs.

Witness the sophistication and defense techniques of Carthaginians engineers, learn about the unparalleled feats of anceint China, and traces the brutal rise and fall of the Russian Empire.

Watch the might rise of the British Empire as it paves the way for the modern world, and explore the incredible engineering feats of the Persian Empire. Learn about Mayan ingenuity from 250 to 900 AD and search for clues regarding the civilization's strange disappearance.

Greece: The cradle of Western civilization sustained remarkable technological advancement for over 1, 000 years, including such masterpieces as the Tunnel of Samos and the Parthenon.

Greece: Age of Alexander
After a century of tremendous accomplishment, Greece's territorial ambitions were stymied by constant warfare - until Alexander ventured abroad and initiated the Hellenistic era

The Aztecs
The Aztecs became one of the greatest civilizations in history through brilliant military campaigns and technological mastery of their harsh environment.

Carthage: Find out how Carthaginian engineers harnessed their extensive resources and manpower to develop some of the ancient world's most groundbreaking technology.

Century after century, China's regal emperors mobilized immense peasant armies to accomplish unfathomable feats - including the most ambitious construction project ever completed .

From the Moscow Kremlin to St. Petersburg to the Trans-Siberian railroad, example the architecture and infrastructure that led to the rise and fall of the Russian Empire.

Britain: Blood and Steel
Through the centuries, the British Empire used extraordinary engineering technology to become an industrial and military titan, giving rise to such inventions as the first locomotive.

The Persians
The engineering feats of mysterious Persian Empire include a water management system, a paved cross-continental roadways, and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

The Maya: Death Empire
By 900 A.D., the once-glorious Mayan cities disappeared. Unravel the mystery surrounding this mythic civilization through its spectacular infrastructure and architecture.  
Series Diector: Mark Cannon
Series Producer Randy Martin
Narrator: Michael Carroll
Host: Peter Weller
Executive Producer: Dolores Gavin
Bill Hunt, Vincent Kralyevich, Kristine Sabat 
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